Thanks for getting here, I will quickly walk you through how to set up GMAIL SMTP and use it to complete your email setting in Mydetails.Biz account

You must have an active Gmail Account; that is the only requirement

1. Login to your Gmail Account and click on Manage Your Google Account

2. Click on Security button, then go to 2 step verification  and click GET STARTED

3. You may be asked to sign in again, before you can Turn ON 2 Step Verification

4. Hit on the App passwords option. Now you can see the app password is showing none.
click on app password

5. Next, enter your Gmail account credentials and press the Next button.
enter Gmail credentionals

6. Select App accordingly from the multiple options.
Google less secure apps not working

7. Now, click on the “Select Device” option and choose any device as per your needs.
choose device

7. Finally, hit the Generate option to continue the process.
click to generate Google app password

8. Now, 16 digit password has been successfully generated for your Google account. Click Done to confirm.
Google less secure apps not working


Now let complete the Email Settings in your Account

Mail Driver: smtp

Mail Host:

Mail Port: 587

Mail Username: (your email address)

Mail Password (Copy the 16 digits Password generated from your gmail and paste it here)

Mail Encryption: tls

Mail From Address: Enter your enter address

Mail From Name: Your business name 

Thank you.

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